Photographers & Cinematographers

Our photographer & cinematographer equipment insurance policy is easy and convenient to buy online in minutes, with different coverage options for your convenience.

Summary of cover*.

  • 12 month cover
  • Choice of cover limits
  • World-wide cover for accidental damage, loss & theft
  • Cover your camera bodies, lenses, lighting, filters, accessories & much more
  • Blanket cover for most of your gear up to your sum insured. (conditions apply)
  • Emergency Hire Cost – Up to 25% of your sum insured can be used for emergency hire costs
  • Hired/Borrowed equipment cover – Cover for when you hire gear
  • Reshoot cost, following loss or damage to your equipment when on a job (conditions apply)
  • Standard excess of $250 any one accidental damage, theft or loss claim
  • Excess of $500 for each & every occurrence in respect to Laptops, Computers, Tablets and Mobile Phones

*Cover is subject to conditions and exclusions. For more information, refer to our

Duty of Disclosure and Utmost Good Faith

Before you enter into an insurance contract, you have a duty to tell the insurer anything you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, may affect the insurer’s decision to insure you and on what terms. You have this duty until the insurer agrees to insure you. Every insurance contract is also subject to the doctrine of utmost good faith. More information is available in the “Other Important Information” section of our Financial Services Guide document.

Apply For Cover

Photographers & Cinematographers Cover

Starting from $230

For 1 year

Cover Level

  1. Up to $5,000
    For $230
  2. Up to $10,000
    For $355
  3. Up to $15,000
    For $470
  4. Up to $20,000
    For $595
  5. Up to $25,000
    For $715
  6. Up to $30,000
    For $815
  7. Up to $35,000
    For $925
  8. Up to $40,000
    For $1,175
  9. Up to $45,000
    For $1,315
  10. Up to $50,000
    For $1,435

Need more than $50,000 cover? We can still request cover for you. Call us on 1300 655 931

Information on Your Policy

Important notice

This Policy is designed to cover equipment being used for commercial purposes. Within the context of this Policy, Commercial Purpose use is defined as the following:

  • Paid or unpaid work and/or performance
  • Tuition, practice, rehearsals, recording

Typically the people requiring this type of policy are:

  • Students using the equipment to improve their craft
  • Semi-professional & professional individuals using the equipment for the above defined use
  • Companies and organisations using the equipment for the above defined use

This Policy is not designed to cover equipment being used solely for personal use. If this type of cover is required please read our Home & Contents policy.